Hello, how are you?
Best regards,
M.Ed. Adrian Carmona M.
EFL Teacher
Think in English !
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Sunday, 8 August 2010
The Cranberries - Zombie
What's violence?
In our society there are lots of problems that affect people's life. Some of these problems become a good excuse for men and women, and thanks to them, they can explode and react violently against the society, the family, themselves.
Violence isn't a thing of the past. In the last century, the humanity had faced a lot of violence in different ways: wars, starvation, diseases, lack of love and pity.
Zombie, how many of them do you know? What are we doing to stop this violence? When is going to stop?
Lic.Adrian Carmona M.
E.F.L. Teacher
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Friday, 6 August 2010
Butterfly - The Secret Life of Chaos - BBC 4 Preview
Also, read the following article; CLICK HERE!
Human beings have had to deal with CHAOS since ancient times, only recently has science recognized it as a fundamental force in the universe.
Chaos theory , originally used to understand the movements that create thunderstorms, raging rivers, and hurricanes, is now being applied to everything from medicine to warfare to social dynamics an therories about how organizations form and change. Chaos is evolving from a scientific theory into a cultural metaphor. As a metaphor it allows us to query some of our most cherished assumptions and encourages us to ask fresh questions about reality.
In this groundbreaking theory, John Briggs and F .David Peat unfold seven lessons for embracing chaos in daily life:
1. Be creative
2. Use Butterfly Power
3. Go with the Flow
4. Explore What's Between
5. See the Art of The World
6. Live Within Time
7. Rejoin the Whole
If you have ever felt your life was out of control and headed towards chaos, science has an important message: LIFE IS CHAOS, AND THAT'S A VERY EXCITING THING!
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Friday, 30 July 2010
English Language Skills Tests for Employers and Groups
One of the aims of Foreing Language Teaching is to promote a good proficiency level among the students of the foreing language. Why? Globalization has become a real matter nowadays and a thing we have to deal with.
Violencia en el Sistema Educativo Costarricense
Atravez de la historia se ha sido testigo de grandes actos de violencia en el mundo. Sin embargo, hoy en dia no necesitamos ir a revisar las cronicas de la I y II guerras mundiales; o la guerra librada en los 60s por los Estados Unidos en contra de Vietnam; no, solamente basta con revisar el periodico del dia para encontrar una serie de eventos desafortunados que conllevan violencia pura.
La sociedad costarricense en nuestra actualidad esta viviendo una historia propia, lamentablemente en muchos casos escrita con sangre de inocentes, victimas de personas que tienen un cierto "desorden" psicologico que los lleva a comenter esta serie de atrosidades.
Uno de los elementos mas influyentes en la sociedad es la educacion, o almenos eso es lo que suponia ser.
Encontramos en nuestras aulas una serie de problemas que enfrentan los estudiantes y que son la causa principal de su mala conducta y actos desonestos. A modo de ejemplo, quiero citar el caso Nancy Maria Chaverri Jimenez, directora del colegio Montebello, la cual fue asesinada por un estudiante de la institucion que ella dirigia.
Parece imposible pensar que estos casos ya se esten prensentando en nuestro sistema educativo, en nuestras aulas, pero es cierto y debemos de procurar soluciones reales y efectivas que permitan rescatar nuestra sociendad y educacion.
Desde mi punto de vista el problema no se resuelve con carcel a los delincuentes, sino que la solucion debe ser parte de una coyuntura mas delicada, la cual radica en nuestras familias. Las familias costarricenses enfrentan una serie de problemas de diversa indole, tal como social, economico, cultural, de identidad, salud, educacion, entre otros.
Concluyo diciendo que la violencia en las aulas es algo mas que un simple hecho aislado, es un problema muy profundo que debe ser tratado en conjunto por todos los actores sociales, pero principalmente por las familias.